So we were FINALLY pregnant. Now to stay that way.
With my first 2, I had pre-eclampsia. Which means that my blood pressure skyrocketed, among other medical nasties, like losing my vision (temporarily). D was born at 33 weeks, K at 36.
In my dark moments I always wondered if I just was BAD at being pregnant, and that's why I couldn't get pregnant a 3rd time.
So when I got my Big Fat positive I could not believe it. I knew I would still be on several medications, but I was pretty used to it. The meds I was on caused my pregnancy symptoms to be over exaggerated, so I was really uncomfortable.
I also developed a super power. Well, if you want to call being able to smell EVERYTHING a super power. I called it a super pain in the butt. I could not tolerate the smell of anything, not my shampoo, my lotions, my house, my car, my dogs... you see where I am going with this. And my wonderful, loving supportive husband? Couldn't stand to be NEAR him. Thanks for the baby now get the heck away from me.
Oh, and all those times I prayed for morning sickness over the last few years? Well I got it. Boy did I! I had to go on zofran, which is what the give cancer patients to control nausea, which made me feel like a giant loser but it beat puking everyday all day.
I was still under the care of my fertility specialist and had an ultrasound once a week. When I saw the little jelly bean shaped embryo, I thought my heart would burst. I think Bill was disappointed it wasn't the twins he'd predicted, but I was glad. Twins scared me.
The next week, the doc who did the ultrasound thought he saw TWO embryos. I was freaking out the whole next week. I know a lot of people would love to have twins but I just wanted the best chance to have the healthiest pregnancy I could. If God chose to bless us with 2 or even 3, well He knows best and we'd figure it out; but *gulp* scary stuff.
3rd ultrasound, 1 baby. Whew.
So between the medicine, nausea, and hyper-sense-of-smell, the first trimester was tough. My panic attacks came back with a will, I was terrified I would loss the baby. I lost 10 pounds because I could not eat properly. It made the holidays pretty tough actually but *shrug*. There will always be more holidays, I only have one chance to carry this baby!
I concentrated on buying for baby and decorating the nursery. I was under the impression that the 2nd trimester would be much better.
Not so much.