1.) Lose weight, at least 30 pounds.
* This will be hard b/c of the Hashimoto's Disease. And the fried peanut butter and banana sandwiches. And the Whoppers. And Skittles.
Crap. Now I'm Hungry.
2.) Be more social.
*Facebook doesn't count. Except if the friends live out of state. Or if I am in a lot of pain that day. Or if it's really cold. Or hot.
This is why all my friends live in the laptop.
3.) Work on my personal relationship with Heavenly Father.
No jokes with this one, it's the only one that matters, everything else will fall into place when this does, I should think.
I didn't do too bad last year; all I wanted was to have a healthy baby, a closer relationship with my family and to lose 70 pounds after L was born. I did all those things.
Except the weight deal but I lost 40 and that is a good start. Sure, 10 of it was Liam, but I wouldn't have gained it in the first place if it wasn't for the years of fertility treatments, wellllll... and all the junk food I mentioned above.
I'm pretty happy though. Life is good.
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