Saturday, April 4, 2009

So Bill gave in and okay'd the plan for a "baby moon". I am so very glad. We are going to Camp Verde, AZ so that we can hike Montezuma Castle, visit the Safari Park and enjoy the beauty of the desert.

Back East we used to go to Atlantic City, NJ once a year. We stayed at the Tropicana and Bill played blackjack (which for him is like zen experience) and I hit the Blue Mercury spa. It was perfect at Easter, because I could sit on the nearly deserted beach and stare out at the Atlantic Ocean and just think. It always made me fully focused and present for a few rare moments. It gave me such a peaceful feeling.

Bill and I were always so close on those trips. We had no real agenda, so we could concentrate on each other. It was such a wonderful way for us to reconnect as a couple.

This year I am hoping to have a similar experience. I am so excited to spend one last carefree weekend together.

Also, since I guess I have given up finding a church that will be the right fit for me, I've taken to worshipping in my own way. It's usually outside surrounded by the beauty the Lord created. I sing when the mood takes me (and the mood takes me quite frequently) and I find in the quiet splendor of nature I feel closer to Heavenly Father than I have felt in years and years.

I guess I am putting alot of pressure on this weekend; I can't wait to see how it works out!

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