I sometimes wonder if I am so blessed because I take the crappy parts without complaint.
I have a mildly unpleasant type of thyroid problem that sends my hormones soaring and then crashing in a rapid-fire lunacy that makes me feel like an asylum case. It's like my hormones are bi-polar. Which would explain a lot.
When L was about four months old he was sleeping through the night and so was I, but I felt like I never actually woke up. I guess I would have just let it slide, blamed it on new-mom-syndrome (I'd already complained about it to my doc who'd done a few rounds of blood work) but two things happened. 1) I started having chest pain and could not breathe, 2) I considered taking a nap at a stoplight as if it were a logical thing to do. I got myself to my GP like my butt was on fire.
I presumed it was bronchitis, I have had it a lot back east and it has caused some chest pain. Sure, not this bad but I figured the extreme mommy fatigue could make it worse. It was actually kind of a funny conversation;
Amy the medical assistant. "So, you're thinking bronchitis?"
Me: "Yes"
Amy: "Do you have a cough?"
Me: "No."
Amy: "Congestion, Runny nose?"
Me: "No."
Amy: "Then why do you think you have bronchitis?"
Me: "Because I have chest pain and feel like an elephant is sitting on my chest, or I am drowning."
Amy: Silence
Me: "So... bronchitis."
Amy: Silence.
Me: "Or not."
Amy: "I'll go get the doctor."
Since I had been nursing the pain for a couple of weeks (oh and say-hey-by-the-way my blood work indicated I'd had really high thyroid levels for the past month, would have liked to know that) she did an ekg sent me to get more blood work and to a cardio guy and a endocrinologist. In fact she had her MA make the appointments for me to ensure I got in that day. Now my chest hurt, I was exhausted and scared I was going to die or something. Which would totally suck.
The cardio guy basically told me I was fine, which I had a hard time believing since I still had so much pressure in my chest that I felt like I was being crushed, but I was too tired to argue.
Next stop, endocrinologist. Who do to my previously high thyroid levels and no bottomed out levels diagnosed me with Post Partum Thyroiditis.
The pregnancy that keeps on giving. I swear, if I knew that this baby-journey from conception to now would be so rough.... I still would have done it. Who am I kidding? He's worth anything.
So here I am after a bunch of tests, an effective, if troublesome, drug that makes me feel like many of my bones are slightly broken. Apparently that's actually joint pain but what do I know about anatomy? It also indicates the possibility of another auto immune disease, Lupus.
Phuff. I watch "House"; it's never Lupus.